Chapter 5: Greedy Algorithms
Greedy Algorithms
Chooses action that provides most immediate benefit.
Minimum Spanning Trees
Removing a cycle edge will not disconnect a graph.
All spanning trees of graph \(G = (V, E) \) have \(|V|-1\) edges.
Kruskal's Algorithm: repeatedly add lightest edge that doesn't create a cycle.
Reverse Kruskal's: repeatedly remove largest edge that doesn't disconnect the graph.
Cut Property: If edge \(e\) is the lightest edge across cut \((S, V-S)\), then \(e\) is a
part of some MST.
Cycle Property: If edge \(e\) had weight larger than the sum of the other edges in a cycle
it's part of, it cannot be part of an MST.
Prim's Algorithm: start with empty set of edges, repeatedly find cuts and add the lighest edge
across the cut.
A straightforward way of obtaining cuts is 'growing' a tree \(T\). The cut is then \((T, V-T)\).
makeset(x) - make a singleton set of vertex x.
find(x) - find root of x's component.
union(x, y) - merge x and y's components.
For any x, the rank of x's parent is larger than the rank of x.
For any node of rank \(k\) there are at least \(2^k\) nodes in its subtree.
If there are \(n\) elements, there can be at most \(\frac{n}{2^k}\) elements of rank \(k\).
Path compression: during find(x), make root the parent of all nodes on path from x to root.
Huffman Encoding
Make each character into a node containing its frequency, heapify nodes.
Cost of tree: \(\sum \limits_{i=1}^n f_i \cdot (\text{depth of }i\text{th symbol in tree)}\).
Entropy: number of bits needed to encode sequence.
\(\sum \limits_{i=1}^n p_i \log(\frac{1}{p_i})\)
more compressible = less random = more predictable
If some character occurs with frequency more than \(\frac{2}{5}\), there is always a code of length
If all characters occur with frequency less than \(\frac{1}{3}\), there is no code of length 1.
Proof from Disc 5
Horn Formulas
Consists of implications and negative clauses
implications: conjunctions of literals implying another literal.
e.g. \((z \wedge x) \Longrightarrow y\)
negative clauses: disjunctions of negative literals.
e.g. \((\bar x \vee \bar y)\)
satisfying assignment: a set of assignments to the literals that satisfy all the clauses.
Greedy Algorithm: start with all false, for all literals, set right hand side to true if left is
If assignment satisfies negative clauses, return assignment, else return false.
Algorithm assigns least number of variables to true / variables that algorithm sets to true must be
true in any satisfying assignment.
Proof: algorithm only assigns variables to true if LHS of implication is true.
Exists linear time algorithm.
Distance from Optimality
Example: Set Cover
Greedy: repeatedly choose set \(S\) with largest number of uncovered elements.
Optimal uses \(k\) sets, so after any number of iterations, the remaining vertices can be covered
with \(k\) sets.
There is a set of at least \(n/k\) vertices, \(n = \) number of remaining vertices. Hence greedy
leaves at
most \(n(1-\frac{1}{k})\) vertices.
Since \(1-x \leq e^{-x}\), \(n_t \leq n_0(1-\frac{1}{k})^t \leq n_0(e^{-1/k})^t = n_0e^{-t/k}\)
At \(t = k\ln n\), \(n_t < 1\). Hence greedy uses at most \(k \ln n\) sets.
Exchange Argument
Assume exists optimal solution with lower cost.
Since lower cost, optimal solution \(O\) and greedy solution \(A\) must differ.
Change \(O\) to make it more similar to \(A\) show that the change does not make the solution worse.
Since any exchanges do not make \(O\) worse, there is no optimal solution with lower cost.